
发布时间:2024-07-24 16:06:48

沃尔沃VOLVO系列柴油发电机组选用久负盛名的瑞典沃尔沃集团生产的电子喷射柴油发动机,沃尔沃始创于1927年,长期以来,它闪亮的品牌一直与它的三个核心价值观、质量、安全、环保紧密相联在一起,集团属下的 VOLVO PENTA公司是瑞典******的工业企业具有120多年历史,是世界上历史最悠久的发动机制造厂商之一;至今为止其引擎产量已达到100万台以上并广泛应用于汽车、工程机械、轮船等发动机的供应,更是发电机组领域的理想动力。

Volvo generator

     The Volvo series diesel generating sets selected have long enjoyed a good reputation in Sweden Volvo G      roup's production of electronic injection engine, Volvo was founded in 1927, long-term since, its shining brand has three core values and its concept, quality, safety, and environmental protection are closely linked together, the group's(VOLVO PENTA)is Sweden's largest industrial company enterprises, has 120 years history, is one of the oldest engine manufacturer in the world; so far the engine output has reached more than 1000000, and is widely used in automobile, engineering machinery, ships and other engine supply, is the ideal power generator set field.

The Volvo engine characteristics:

-Four stroke, water cooling fan

- Turbo charging, cold air intake, low noise, excellent environmental emissions.

-Stable and reliable performance, compact structure large power.

-Small size, light weight, anti extra strong load capacity
